TOP Skills to Learn for Personal Development

Julian Dalignoc Jr.
4 min readMay 22, 2021

Skills that will lead you to your fullest potential

Our world is constantly changing so we need to adapt to these changes if you don’t want to be left behind. I binge for Netflix sometimes, but I have learned to set my limitations consuming things that aren’t really very helpful and negatively affecting my productivity. I’ve started learning things on Youtube and accessed some free online Courses and Webinars. I have used whatever resources I have, mainly for Educational purposes, though I watch entertainment videos once in a while to change my mood.
Through research, reading and based on my experience, I believe these are the top skills that one must learn if you want to make a difference and step-up from the game.

1. English Communication Skills

I would say this is one of the first things that you have to learn since we use English for Business both in written or spoken communication. I’m not saying that you have to speak like a native speaker but at least take time to learn the basics which includes the Four Macro Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening and of course Vocabularies. You don’t have to be an expert with these four skills but focus in a skill that you think is necessary in your chosen field of expertise.

2. Web Design and Development

Whether you are promoting or selling products or services, having a landing page in your website is essential. Instead of hiring a web developer, there are other free platforms out there where you can set up your own simple website through wordpress, wix, squarespace and many more website builders without even buying your own domain yet but it’s best to have your own domain to gain authority.

3. Software Development

To be honest, I’m not an expert about software development nor coding and Java Script, it’s not one of my strengths but at least have a little knowledge and understanding about these things because I’m sure it will be useful in your future. If you can’t do it, might as well consider hiring a developer depending on your purpose.

4. Affiliate Marketing

No capital to purchase a product, then I think that’s not a problem. All you need to do is to become a partner with someone else whether in a big or small company and simply help that company to promote a certain product to get a commission for every successful sales made. Like Amazon, I’m an affiliate with Amazon and I use it to promote self-help books that I’ve read and I think are beneficial for readers.

5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Learning about keywords is your advantage so you’ll have a higher chance of getting searched in Google. I have posted only one video on my youtube channel even if I literally have 3 subscribers, I was able to get views because I have learned how to use the right key words in my headline. I’m still not a pro with SEO but over time, I’m learning how to do it with the help of other experts like Neil Patel or by enrolling courses about Digital Marketing and SEO.

6. SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Use your socials wisely, optimize it and use it for your Business instead. I managed Facebook Pages since 2014 and I was able to use it to get leads for sales for my products, that was when I was selling food supplements and doing network marketing. I still get likes without even posting.

7. Graphic Designing

Graphic design has a big role to play in the modern competitive business environment. Businesses need the services of graphic designers to create impressive marketing materials. Graphic design is important to businesses and our everyday lives in many ways. We come across with logos, brochures, websites and host of other design products daily. Packaging, branding, signage, books, magazines, etc. are glaring examples of the use of a variety of graphic designs.

8. Copywriting

Copywriting, or more precisely, well-written copywriting is essential because it drives profitability, earns a Return On Investment (ROI) and achieves your business’ goals by convincing your target customer that your product offering will solve their need and offer them value. It is a skill that very few people in the world understand and possess. It is a skill that, once mastered, will have you never worrying about money again. You will have the power to generate income on demand, and launch any business you desire.

Final Thoughts
I believe there are a lot of essential skills out there to learn and master but these are some of the top skills one must acquire to step-up from this competitive world we are in.

Originally published at on May 22, 2021.



Julian Dalignoc Jr.

Your English Guro (Teacher) and writes about Communication, Marketing and Personal Development.